Pioneer Trek Clothing for Girls

Here is a list of the clothing girls will need for trek. Find the packing list here with additional items.

  • long sleeved button up blouse (2-3) 
  • ankle length skirt (1 or 2)
  • leggings (ankle length athletic only - so they breathe) or bloomers (to help protect legs from bugs!) ( 2 or 3) 
  • bonnet (1) provided by the stake - thanks to volunteers who sewed the bonnets for the girls!
  • shoulder pouch (optional) you need something to carry your water bottle if it doesn't have a clip
  • apron 
  • good broken in shoes or boots - preferably no mesh to reduce blisters
  • socks - two layers help to keep blisters down. Thin nylon anklet (liner) socks - to help stop blisters from forming and also hiking or cotton socks 3 pairs of each 
  • Under clothing - changes for each day 
  • Leather or gardening gloves 
  • Neckerchief (provided by the stake) 
  • Pajamas to sleep in
  • Feminine Hygiene Products as needed

Click here for a printable list.

Places to purchase clothing:

Thrift stores - buy white or light colored cotton button up shirts. Fabric or sheets and pillowcases to sew skirts and aprons.

Deseret Book - Prices start at $15

White Elegance - Prices start at $15

Etsy - Prices start at $9

Although we have listed places to purchase clothing we would like to have the girls sew most of their clothing. This will help them with their personal progress and also teach them sewing skills that will be useful for them later in life. PLUS, it’s way cheaper!

Voila! The $5 Pioneer Girl Outfit (not including boots)

Thrift stores and people with fabric stashes who want to give fabric away will be our greatest assets for obtaining our clothing for trek.

I purchased a king size sheet for $2, a pillowcase for 50 cents, scrub bottoms (like nurses wear) for $1, and a long sleeved cotton shirt for $1 at the thrift store. We actually got two skirts out of the sheet. The pillowcase was used for making the apron. I could have used the sheet to make a matching bonnet but used fabric from my stash instead.

SKIRTS: A simple elastic waist skirt is used. The skirts need to be ankle length to protect against bugs. They also need to be full enough that girls can take large steps in them as they pull handcarts or run or do cartwheels. :) If using a sheet you won’t need to hem the bottom if you cut the sheet right. Yes! Here’s a simple tutorial: Easy Pioneer Skirt.

APRONS: Using a pillowcase to make an apron is super easy! Here’s a tutorial: Pioneer Apron from a Pillowcase.
