Trek Preparation Booklets

Trek is only seven weeks away! While everyone has been busy gathering the clothing and supplies they need don't forget about the physical and spiritual preparation we are supposed to be doing as well.

All youth and leaders attending trek should have received Physical and Spiritual Preparation Booklets.

Spiritual requirements include activities like memorizing the Mutual theme for this year (Doctrine & Covenants 19:23), reading the Book of Mormon with your family, learning about the Atonement and how the Holy Ghost speaks to you.

Physical requirements include reading and applying the principles of the Word of Wisdom found in Doctrine & Covenants 89, walking or running regularly, and reading about physical and emotional health in For the Strength of Youth.

Did you know if young women complete all the the requirements in their trek books they can be over halfway done with their personal progress too? There is the potential for FIVE value projects to be completed within the booklets! Check out the personal project experiences and projects that correlate with the trek booklets.

Have you lost your books? Never fear! We have them right here for you.

Print and Download the Physical Preparation Booklet here.

Print and Download the Spiritual Preparation Booklet here.
