Meet the Mas and Pas!

Trail Bosses 
They'll be leading the way on trek!

Steve and Karlene Hall

We like to travel together and play games.

Mas and Pas
They will lead each "family" as they pull their handcarts.

Rod and Lori Monk

We like to ride motorcycles and four wheelers. We like to restore old things.

Cassie and Todd Thompson

We like long walks on the beach and strawberry milkshakes.

Tyrell and Dawn Lucas

We like traveling, having adventures, and being outdoors.

Kim and Mike Snow

We like to go on walks, read books and talk about them and we like to travel.

Jessica and Clay Sagers

We like working out together and doing things outdoors.

Ryan and Tenille Berezay

We like hiking, basketball, and eating. We like having fun!

Glen and Lauri Farr

We like to play games and have fun!

Katie and Cody Bayles

We are really good at one-liners.

Brian and Carrie Evans

We like to go on weekly dates.

Sady and Josh Tingey

Our favorite past time depends on the season. We are excited to experience trek and to embark on memories that will last a lifetime!

More Mas and Pas will be added as we get their pictures.
